Ambulance Service in Sector 41 Mohali


Trauma to the head or spine includes wounds or incidents that affect the brain, spinal cord, or both.

Acute back pain or constriction in the neck, head, or back are the hallmarks of spinal cord injury following an accident.

Effects of the head or spinal injuries on people:

  1. There is proof of a head injury and a persistent alteration in consciousness
  2. The reports of excruciating back or neck pain
  3. The head or back has been significantly impacted by an injury
  4. The complaints of paralysis, bladder, bowel, limb weakness, numbness, or lack of control

Spinal cord injuries come in two categories: complete and incomplete.

The area of the spinal cord is permanently damaged by a complete spinal cord injury.

Complete spinal cord injuries result in spastic paralysis or muteness.

Basic reasons for spinal cord damage include:

  • A sudden drop
  • vehicle accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Diving mishaps
  • Exercise-accidents
  • Criminal-Violence (gunshot or stab wounds)
  • Infections that trigger the growth of a spinal cord ulcer

Injury to the head or spinal cord results in inflammation. The entire nervous system may be affected by this inflammation (including the Brain). Additionally, the brain can be extremely sensitive to pain and force.


A delicate and beautiful organ, the brain. A shot to the head with a line-shooter can injure the brain or spinal cord even if there are no outward signs of trauma to the skullcap or face.

All head injuries are regarded as serious, and the emergency room or an Ambulance Service in Sector 41 Mohali should be consulted.

Avoid moving the head or neck if you have a spinal or head injury. As soon as you can, administer first aid without moving the head or neck.

Start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if the patient is not breathing, coughing, or moving. Do not jerk the patient’s head back to clear the airway, though.

Lift the jaw forward by gently holding it with your fingers. Damage to the lower part of the spine can lead to paralysis of the legs and lower body.

Breathing is only affected by spinal cord injuries high in the spine. The ability to control one’s bowels and bladder can be compromised anywhere along the spinal cord.

A spinal nerve injury can cause pain, increased sensitivity, numbness, and muscle weakness.

There are several different nerve roots from which pain can originate. Discomfort that comes from just one nerve root is referred to as radicular pain.

One must go to the emergency room of a hospital if one sustains a head injury, lose consciousness, or become confused or disoriented after being hurt.

When an injury occurs suddenly (such as in a car or bicycle accident, a steep fall, etc.) and a person experiences nausea or vomiting, they should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Any bone fragments, foreign objects, herniated discs, or fractured vertebrae that are compressing the spine must be removed surgically.

In order to stabilise the spine and prevent pain or deformity, surgery is also required.

Options for healing quickly and safely after surgery include soft neck collars and different types of braces. Time of response is important in head injuries.

Mohali Ambulance application offers non-app users both 24-hour medical assistance arrangements and 24-hour customer support services.

The application offers a one-click option for a variety of services, including scheduling emergency medical care, diagnostic at-home services, and home nursing services, including emergency first responder, ECG, regular health check-ups, and many more.

Under the Medicvisor umbrella, Ambulance Service in Sector 41 Mohali offers emergency care solutions in Mohali and other areas throughout Chandigarh.